Curriculum 2023-2024

The Curriculum at Deerhurst and Apperley is:

Shaped by our vision: ‘Learning and living as children of God’. It is carefully thought out with opportunities and the intent to give the children a curriculum that will enable them to be the best they can be, like God wants the best for everyone.

The Curriculum at Deerhurst and Apperley is:

 BALANCED:  by promoting the intellectual, moral, spiritual aesthetic, creative emotional and physical development of each child.  This intent is aligned to objectives in school and national policy objectives. Staff have a shared understanding of intent, implementation and impact and consistent teaching and marking methods are used (Implementation) to ensure impact on pupils.

RIGOROUS: the curriculum takes into account disciplinary habits of mind – disciplinary specific, powerful ways of thinking that are developed through sustained engagement with the discipline.  For example, inverse operations in maths, cause and effect in science and provenance and context in history. This is all part of the implementation of the framework itself.

COHERENT: the curriculum is designed to promote the development of capabilities across subjects – for example, children learn about graphs in maths before it is needed in science. The design of our curriculum implementation will lead to impact through this coherence.

VERTICALLY INTEGRATED: it is clear how material taught in one year builds on what was learned in previous years, and how it leads on to subsequent learning. School clearly sets out the objectives each year and they are made clear at the implementation of the curriculum and the intent of how objectives will be transferred into processes, such as subject coverage, medium term plans and termly plans. The methods then developed in the classroom with objectives and marking will then reinforce implementation.

APPROPRIATE: the curriculum provides challenge for students when it is implemented and is planned for impact when study is ongoing or complete. That it meets the needs of all learners.

RELEVANT: the curriculum will be relevant and take into account the interest, needs and wishes of children, but within a framework of informed choice in respect of pedagogy and curriculum.  School make clear objectives from national intent of the curriculum which are transferred clearly into implementation within school processes which lead to outcomes (Impact) of the school objectives and those of the children.


Annual Curriculum Coverage – English  YEAR 2

Annual Curriculum Coverage – English  class 3

Annual Curriculum Coverage – English Class 2

Annual Curriculum coverage Year 1

Texts Linked to Key Aspects of Narrative class 2

Text Linked to Key Aspects of Narrative Poetry and Non-Fiction class 3

Texts Linked to Key Aspects of Narrative  Class 1

Texts Linked to Key Aspects of Narrative  Reception

Creativity and Enrichment and Over Learning and Cultural Capital Opportunities 2023

Deerhurst curriculum subject coverage English 2023-24

Reading & Phonics

Early Reading and Phonics intent implementation and impact 2023-24

Phonics progression 2023-24


Educational Programes Prime and Specific UTW EAD Rec ELG and Pre -school 2023-24

Literacy and Maths Educational Programmes2023-24Pre-school and Reception (EYFS)


Maths Medium Term Plan 

Medium Term Overview  MATHS

Deerhurst curriculum subject coverage Maths 2023-24

Reception Maths Medium Term Plan 2023-24 


Foundation Subjects

Art curriculum subject coverage 23-24

DT curriculum subject coverage 23-24

History Curriculum Coverage 2023-24

Geography Two-Year Rolling Programme

MFL Curriculum Coverage 2023-24

Music Curriculum Coverage 2023-24

Project Evolve Two-Year Rolling Programme

subject coverage PE 23-24

subject coverage PSHE 2023-24 With new EYFS Profile Plus updated RSE

subject coverage Science 2023-24 NEW ELG

Teach Computing Two-Year Cycle

Two year RE rolling programme2023-24

Class Overviews

2023-24 Class 2 Curriculum Coverage

2023-24 Class 3 Curriculum Coverage

Class Curriculum Overview 2023-24 Reception

Curriculum Coverage Class 1 2023 to 2024 new curriculum coverage (002)